Old English Sheepdogs

Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA

All Rhoad Puppies Come with Beautiful Tails

Past Member of the Old English Sheepdog Club of America
Past Member of the Old English Sheepdog Owners Club of Canada

bettyditzik@gmail.com   -   734-482-6864

Therapy Dog

A well trained Old English makes a wonderful therapy dog. It is part of their breed characteristic to be friendly and happy to meet new people. It has been said that "everyone they meet is their new best friend."

Therapy dogs can visit schools so children can read to them and not be judged for reading too slow or not as nicely as other students. They visit hospitals and nursing homes, bringing joy wherever they go.

Sheepdogs are people-magnets. When you go out in public with an Old English Sheepdog it's like having a rock star by your side. Clean and nicely groomed, they look like a big stuffed animal and dog lovers flock to them.

Therapy Dog Qualifications

To qualify to be a therapy dog start with the basic training classes.

  • Puppy / Kindergarten
  • Obedience I
  • Obedience II
  • Obedience III

You and your dog will enjoy the classes. Everyone you meet will enjoy a well trained and well behaved dog. Sitting politely to greet strangers is a must.

Talk with your instructors and find out the best avenue in your area to take the next steps to becoming a therapy dog. Also go online to search for the latest on therapy dogs. It may involve a testing program or a one-on-one mentoring program with a trainer as you visit hospitals etc.

This is a wonderful way to give back to your community and bring joy to everyone you meet.

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